poate suna ciudat "perisoare cu sos" dar va asigur ca gustul e unul pe placul multor persoane,inclusiv unora care s-au strambat rau cand au auzit care e meniul :P
ingrediente pt perisoare:
500 gr carne tocata de vita
2 oua
50 gr gris
sare,piper,patrunjel verde,marar,oregano,leustean
ceapa tocata,
pt fiert :apa
ingrediente pt sos:
300 ml smantana dulce
mod de preparare:
carnea se amesteca cu restul ingredientelor apoi se formeaza perisoare
se pune apa la fiert impreuna cu condimentele
cand clocoteste se pun perisoarele si se fierb la foc mic pana sunt complet fierte
intro tigaie se pune smantana dulce si se aduce la punctul de fierbere
se sareaza si pipereaza apoi se pune hrean dupa gust
cand sunt fierte,perisoarele se scot,
se scurg si se pun in sosul de hrean
se servesc cu piure de cartofi
pofta buna!
maybe sound strange "boiled meatballs with sauce"but i asure u that r wonderful n even people who said will not gonna eat it ,ate n liked ;)
ingredients for balls:
500 gr ground beef
2 eggs
50 gr semolina
salt,pepper,fresh parley,dill,oregano,lovage
ground onion
for boil the balls:
salt,peper,chilli,bay leaves
ingredients for sauce:
300 ml cream
ground horseradish
the meat mix with all ingredients n make the balls
put the water to boil with spices
when water boil put balls n boil slow untill they r completly boiled
in a pan bring cream to boil temperature n add salt,pepper n horseradish
when balls r boiled take from water n drain
after that put in sauce
serve with mashed potatoes
ingrediente pt perisoare:
500 gr carne tocata de vita
2 oua
50 gr gris
sare,piper,patrunjel verde,marar,oregano,leustean
ceapa tocata,
pt fiert :apa
ingrediente pt sos:
300 ml smantana dulce
mod de preparare:
carnea se amesteca cu restul ingredientelor apoi se formeaza perisoare
se pune apa la fiert impreuna cu condimentele
cand clocoteste se pun perisoarele si se fierb la foc mic pana sunt complet fierte
se sareaza si pipereaza apoi se pune hrean dupa gust
cand sunt fierte,perisoarele se scot,
se scurg si se pun in sosul de hrean
se servesc cu piure de cartofi
pofta buna!
maybe sound strange "boiled meatballs with sauce"but i asure u that r wonderful n even people who said will not gonna eat it ,ate n liked ;)
ingredients for balls:
500 gr ground beef
2 eggs
50 gr semolina
salt,pepper,fresh parley,dill,oregano,lovage
ground onion
for boil the balls:
salt,peper,chilli,bay leaves
ingredients for sauce:
300 ml cream
ground horseradish
the meat mix with all ingredients n make the balls
put the water to boil with spices
when water boil put balls n boil slow untill they r completly boiled
in a pan bring cream to boil temperature n add salt,pepper n horseradish
when balls r boiled take from water n drain
after that put in sauce
serve with mashed potatoes
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